Play as Space Captain in order to save The Machineplanet!
3D RPG video game set in a world where the sentient Machineplanet seeks to fulfill its purpose of creating and recreating everything through random binary code. Players will embark on a series of ten missions, each with its unique story and objectives, as they explore the fascinating and ever-evolving Machineplanet

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(2 edits) (-2)


I've found two places to make it into the void. Perhaps the game should have a way to restart the level? Because there's no kill floor.

8 computers. All 8 computers say success, but the overlay says 0 out of 8 fixed. Not sure if they're the same 8. Nothing else appears to respond to anything.

Edit: 3 spots. Both handrails  before the 8 computer room can be bypassed. One will actually get you on top (solid surface up there?) but you can't go anywhere since the rest will drop you.

Edit: Found another. Mission 7 (refuel generators). If you jump off the platforms toward the door, you'll enter the wall. You can see your head from the other side but don't appear to be able to get through. Step off the platform beneath the door and you drop.